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  Latest opening times and dates  

Tuesday 8th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Friday 11th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Saturday 12th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Sunday 13th October - 10am - 4:45pm

Tuesday 15th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Friday 18th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Saturday 19th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Sunday 20th October - 10am - 4:45pm
Parlormade scones emporium.JPG

Our trading locations

Tuesday and Friday
(next to Bluebird Bakery, Parlormade, and Brunch)

Saturday and Sunday
(opposite Cross of York Fishmongers)

Good baked goods at Bluebird Bakery.JPG
Swains Butchers and Cross of York.JPG
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An ever changing array of wonderful and unique independent traders can be found on the Shambles Market 7 days a week, all year round  

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